Bosque Balley Baptist Church–Hwy 219 East, Clifton, TX
Calvary Church–Coryell, TX
Latitude: 313636N; Longitude: 0973636W
Cumberland Presbyterian Church––Located on Hog Creek, TX(also in Clifton)
John Porter CLARK, ordained minister 1865.
Fairview Church–Laguna Park, TX
First Baptist of Kopperl–Kopperl, TX
A History by an Unknown Author, submitted by: William N. GREER
First Baptist Church–Meridian, TX
Photo Church History A partial membership list Historical Marker
— Submitted by: Ann Groom Lenz
First Methodist Church–Iredell, TX
First United Methodist Church–108 Tibbs Dr., Valley Mills, TX
Grand Old Gospel Lighthouse–South Hwy. 6, Clifton, TX
Holy Angels Catholic Church--1915 W. 5th St., Clifton, TX
Lanes Chapel Church–Mosheim, TX
Our Saviors Lutheran Church–Norse, TX (map server says:Sugarloaf Mountain)
Photo—& History (from back of a bulletin)–donated by: Chrisitne NEAL
Patton Baptist Church–Valley Mills, TX
The Pleasant Grove–The area covered is around the Hanna Crossing of the Bosque River between
Meridian, Iredell and Walnut Springs, Texas.
The Rock Church–Cranfaills Gap, TX
Historical Marker—donated by: Chrisitne NEAL
Searsville Church–Mosheim, TX
Shiloh Baptist Church–414 N. Ave. A, Clifton, TX
Spring Creek Chruch–Iredell, TX
St. Olaf Church–
St Olaf Church–donated by: Chrisitine NEAL
St. Paul Lutheran Church–Pleasant Hill, Clifton, TX
Organized in 1927; Ledger was kept by Mrs. Henry (Annie) HAMPE, my
grandmother. It was handwritten and appeared to be notes that she, as a church
secretary, would have taken.
Ledger–donated by: Helen Zuehlke MORRIS
Steiner Church–Allen Bend, TX
Towash Baptist Church–
Photo–-donated by: Neva MALOY
I understand that the town of Towash came to an end when Lake Whitney was
constructed in 1951. The old Towash Baptist Church is where my mother and her
family worshipped in the 1920’s. I believe Towash was always in Hill County. My
mother’s folks (MORRIS) lived in Bosque County and attended the Towash Baptist
Church. When Lake Whitney was constructed on the Bosque/Hill County line, the
town of Towash was left under water.
Trinity Lutheran Church–803 W. 3rd St, Clifton, TX
Willow Springs Church–Walnut Springs East, TX