Submitted by: Carolyn Bethany Sosebee
(Taken from the Lubbock Avalanche Journal, May 26, 1975, Monday Morning)
ROPESVILLE (Special) Services for George Wylie Sosebee, 63, of Ropesville will be at 3:00 p.m. today at the Ropesville Church of Christ with W.O. Batten, minister of the church, officiating. He will be assisted by the Rev. Robert Adams, pastor of the Ropesville Church of the Nazarene. Burial will be in Resthaven Memorial Park in Lubbock under direction of Franklin-Bartley Funeral Home.
He died at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in Highland Hospital in Lubbock following an illness of two months. A native of Bosque County (Born November 13, 1911 in Walling Bend), he had been a resident since 1944. He was a retired farmer. He was married to
Bonnie Fay Taliaferro on April 15, 1936 in Plainview, Texas. He was a former president and member of the Ropes School Board and a former director of the Ropes Co-p Gin. Survivors include his wife; a son, Troyce Wylie Sosebee of Austin; four daughters, Mrs. Patsy Gayle (Sosebee) Smith and Mrs. Bonnie Sue (Sosebee) Suter, both of Ropesville, Mrs. Kaye Nell (Sosebee) Wylie of Lubbock,and Mrs. Linda Janeen (Sosebee) Burns of Austin; two sisters, Mrs. Jesse Lenora (Sosebee) Woods of Lakewood, California, and Mrs. Lynie Olevia (Sosebee) Skipper of Abernathy, and twelve grandchildren. Pallbearers will be E. J. Abney, A.L. Bevers , Horace Abston, Bill Berry, Joe Schwartz, and J. R. Smith (Wylie was the son of John Franklin and Mary Florence (Wylie) Sosebee and the grandson of George Washington and Alice Catherine (Pierce) Sosebee.)