Submitted by: Cathy Shelley
Hillsboro Mirror; Wednesday, November 16, 1949
Funeral services for Charles J. Wickman Sr., 61, were held in the Church of the Nazerene at 2 p.m. Monday. The Rev. A. F. Duke,
Pastor of the church will officiate. Burial was at the Peoria Cemetery. The death occurred at 7 a.m. Sunday in a local hospital following an illness of a few hours. Born in Bosque County, near Meridan. Wickman married Miss Josephine Erickson on January 15, 1908. They lived in Bosque County until 1922 when they moved to Hill County.
Survivors include his widow; one daughter, Mrs. Fred Lee of Hillsboro; three sons, Elmo Wickman of Hillsboro and Josdie Wickman
of Hillsboro and C.J. Wickman, Jr. of Aquilla, Rt.2; two brothers, A.A. Wickman of Cranfills Gap and David Wickman of Kilgore;
three sisters, Mrs. P.M. Cox of Fort Worth, Mrs. H.L. Cox of Rotan and Mrs. S.M. Sorley of Cranfills Gap; and six grandchildren.