M M Lester

Submitted by:  Joy Davis

Uncle Mun Lester Passes Away in Iredell.
Mr. Lester is survived by his wife, 5children:  3 girls, 2 boys.  M.M. Lester, 81, of
Iredell, a resident of the county for 46 years, died Saturday morning, Jan. 9, at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. W.F. Musick, near Iredell.  Funeral services were held
from the Fisrt Baptist Church of Iredell, Sun. afternoon at 2:30.  Rev. H.D. Blair,
of Cisco, an old-time pastor of the deceased, conducted the services.
Mr . Lester   was   born   in   Tennessee   January 26, 1851 and married Miss Mary
Cowger of  M t . Vernon, Illinois, October 10, 1869.  He came to Texas in 1885.
Uncle Mun, as most everyone called him, was well known in Bosque County.  He
was a faithful deacon in the Baptist church for over thirty-five years and helped to
build several church houses in the county, as well as to carry on the church work
over the county during his entire residence here.  He was at one time elected public
weigher of Bosque county.  Uncle Mun has been quite feeble for sometime but was
able to go about until seven weeks ago, when he suffered a partial stroke of paralysis.
  Since that time until he passed away last Saturday morning, he gradually grew
worse until his old worn-out body could stand no more, and the good Lord called
him to rest.   Mr. Lester is survived by his wife, 5 children, 3 girls & 2 bos , 25
grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, & 2 brothers, H.N. Lester of Meridian and
J.F. Lester of Hico, all of whom were present except three grandchildren, 5
great-grandchildren, & his brother, J.F. Lester, who is in very poor health.  His
own children are, A.H. Lester of Breckenridge, A.W. Lester of Ranger, Mrs. H.E.
Jordan of Meridian, Mrs. W.D. Spencer of Breckenridge and Mrs W.F. Musick of
Iredell.  The Tribune joins friends of deceased over this county in extending sympathy.