Submitted by: Edward L. Williams
(1842 – 1919)
Sarah or Grannie as she was forever called was born March 9, 1842 in Cahaiba, Selma County Alabama. Early in life she professed faith in Christ and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South and ever afterwards remained a Christian and loyal member. She was frank and positive in her convictions but she always exercised a loving spirit which had good results. Grannie was exceptionally full of life and jolly for one so advanced in years and physical liabilities. Though she suffered greatly she seldomly complained. She bore her ailments like a tried soldier of the cross. She seldom got to attend church but her faith always remained unshaken. At her only daughter’s house at Hico, Texas, Aug 17, 1919, Granny Hendricks pure spirit took its flight and winged itself back to God who gave it. Her remains were brought here and laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. May the good father of all comfort her aged companion the three sons and the daughter who were left behind to morn their loss. H. A. Nichols, Pastor, Iredell, Texas
Notes: Wife of Willis Hardick Hendricks, mother of Anna Elizabeth (Hendricks) Golden.