Submitted by: Edward L. WILLIAMS
Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Golden, wife of S. D. (sic) Golden and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hendricks, died very suddenly Monday morning at her home in this City. She was not in the best of health but no one thought of her condition being serious in the least and when the news spread from house to house at an early hour Monday morning that Mrs. Golden was dead, it was a shock to the people. She had for some time been aflicted with a bad cough but had readily yielded to treatment and everyone thought she would live for many years to come. During the night Sunday night she had a bad coughing spell but after taking one dose of cough medicine she again fell asleep as did Mr. Golden, and slept until 4 o’clock Monday morning when she was seized with another spell, and this attack failed to yield to medicine and she died in about fifteen, before the doctor could reacher her though he lived but a block or two away. Mrs. Golden was born in the State of Alabama Oct 21st, 1872, and was therefore 41years old last October. She was married to S. E. Golden in 1888, to which union ten children were born and were all present at some time during the time the family was passing through through the sad ordeal. She leaves a fathful mother, one sister, three brothers and a husband and ten children,four of whom are married and six at home, to mourn her departure, but they sorrow not as those who have no hope. Mrs. Golden was a good christian woman having been a faithful and true member of the Methodist church since she was 12 years old, and in all the checkered scenes of life through which she was called to pass, she never wavered in her religious life, but remained true and faithful until she was called to enter the church above. The last words she spoke were: “The Lord has called for me and I am ready to go.” and fell asleep in Jesus. The funeral service was conducted in the Methodist church on March 2nd, by her old friend, W. V. Jones, in the presence of a large crowd of sympathizing friends. At the close of the service at the church the remains were borne to the Riverside Cemetery where they were gently laid to rest to await the resurrection day. All who knew Mrs. Golden could join in saying that a good woman has been translated from this world of sorrow and stife to the Country where sorrow is unknown, and where it is eternal day. The Record joins the many friends in extended sympathy to the bereaved family and relatives.
Notes: Anna was the daughter of Willis Hardick & Sarah Ann (Cox) Hendricks.
She married Seaborn Emory Golden on Nov 26, 1888, in Tallapoosa County, Alabama.