Mrs. Mary Jane Dunlap Passes Away
The column rules of this page are “turned” this week in the newspaper’s traditional
mourning for Mrs. Mary Jane Dunlap, wife, co-partner and helpmate of The Tribune editor for more than forty-five years, who passed away at the Holt Hospital Monday, June 11, 1945, at 5:45 o’clock p.m., at the age of 69 years, 6 months and 13 days. Stricken with paralysis, she had been removed from her home to the hospital Tuesday night of last week, where all the care of skilled physicians and nurses and the love of an anxious family and friends could devise for her comfort and assistance were brought into play, but the Hand of Death could not be stayed. Although she had been in ill health for many years, she was able to enjoy life fully until about two weeks before her death, and by a strong determination and well-regulated life, survived more than twenty years longer than some of the best medical experts predicted when she suffered an earlier stroke. Funeral services were held at the Meridian Methodist church Tuesday afternoon at 5 o’clock, conducted by Revs. B. L. McCord and J. M. Jordan, local pastors, Rev. Chas. Estes, pastor of the First Presybterian[sic] church of Whitesboro, a friend of the deceased since childhood, and Rev. H. M. Hopkins, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Itasca. A large congregation of sorrowing relatives, neighbors and friends were present to pay last respects to the memory of deceased, who was loved by many. Her favorite hymns, “The Old Rugged Cross,” and “Does Jesus Care,” and her husband’s favorite, “Garden of Prayer,” were touchingly rendered by the choir, and by special request of the family, Mrs. Elmo Alexander sang “Face to Face.” Trlbute to her good life and Christian character was paid by the speakers. Then she was laid to rest in the family plot in Meridian Cemetery to await the Resurrection Morn. A profusion of flowers of extraordinary beauty and of the kind she loved, the tribute of loving relatives and friends, were banked about the casket at the service and grave. Mrs. Dunlap was a native of Bosque county and made her home among its hospitable people that she loved her entire life. She was born near Valley Mills, November 28, 1875, a daughter of the late Capt. and Mrs. J. W. Adams, themselves native Texans and pioneer citizens of this section. She moved to Meridian with her parents when, a young girl, and continued to reside here until her death. Here she attended school and became an accomplished musician, and later a teacher of music. In early girlhood she professed religion and united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and for many years was director of the choir and organist and an active worker in other church activities here. She was married to Levi A. Dunlap here on February 7, 1900. To the union four children were born, who, together with her husband, survive. They are: Moran Dunlap, Meridian; Mrs. Irene Wiginton, Itasca; Artie R. Dunlap, Waco, and Jay Teel Dunlap, Fort Worth. Although she continued active in her church, after her marriage she retired from her music to devote her time to her household and family. Then as her children grew up, and though her health was even then poor, she again became active in church and civic endeavors and movements for the improvement of her town and people. In World War I she served as chairman of a successful Red Cross membership campaign. Despite ill health, she was an active member of the Meridian Garden Club, Study Club, United Daughters of the Confederacy and Woodman[sic] Circle at the time of her death. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church having disbanded here some years ago, on Feb. 11 this year, she and her husband united with the Meridian Methodist Church, and she had attended its services faithfully whenever health permitted. In the presence of such sorrow, how cold and impotent are words, how insufficient any tribute we could pay! We know that her home instincts were strong, and that her affection for friends and kindred were tender and abiding, that she ranked as a woman of culture, refinement, sympathy, that she loved beautiful things, was a kind neighbor, faithful wife, devoted mother, true friend, and with all a woman of heroic mould in bravely meeting the stern requirements and often the disappointments of life. To her the struggle and burden-bearing of earth are ended, and we confidently trust that like one who awakes from a troubled dream, she has awakened to see life’s endless morning break. How doubly deep would be the grief did not the rainbow of Christian hope span the dark gulf between time and Eternity, and such a life inspire the faith that there is a better World Beyond where the good and true are reunited!
Besides her husband and children, she is survived by four grandchildren, Norma Dell Dunlap, Waco; James Dunlap Wiginton, Itasca, and Jay Teel Jr. and Jane Dunlap, Fort Worth; four sisters, Mrs. Julia Moss, Mrs. Ed Johnson and Mrs. Glad Snograss, Floydada. and Mrs. C. E. Jones, Childress, all of whom were her during her last illness and death. A number of nieces, nephews and other relatives also survive:
Among those from out-of-town who attended the funeral of Mrs. L. A. Dunlap here
Tuesday were: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hollingsworth and daughters, Miss Doris , and Linda,
Mrs. N. M. Cawthon, J. W. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunlap and daughter, Norma,
Waco; Mrs. Carrie Adams, Hillsboro; Mrs. Leon Noel, Seymour; Mrs. Clarence Tubb, Mrs. Leona Stringfellow, Mrs. Eula Goodall, Valley Mills; Mrs. Lula Hawkins, Breckenridge; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. White, Mrs. Kathryn Hulme, Mrs. W. W. Rester, Lt. and Mrs. Fred Hulme, Mr. and Mrs. Oran Canuteson and son, Clifton; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Golden, Major and Mrs, Pat E. Hodge, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Teel Dunlap and son, Jay Teel, Jr. and daughter, Jane, Fort Worth; Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hamilton, Mrs. Leila Odle, Dallas; Mrs. C. Loyd King, Amarillo; Geo. I. Adams, Houston; Mrs. Lewis Norman and sons, Glad Lyn and Don Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Glad Snodgrass, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson, Mrs. Julia Moss, Floydada; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones, Childress; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wiginton and son, Jimmy, Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Gibson, Mrs. Geo. Leatherwood, Loyd Forrest, John Miller, Mr. & Mrs. D. O. Knick, Mrs. Fred Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hardison and son, A. P. Conger, Rev. H. M. Hopkins, Itasca; Teel W. Dunlap, Walnut Springs; Rev. Benj. R. Maakestad Cranfills Gap.
Card of Thanks
To all our friends and neighbors whose sympathy and services were so kindly tendered in our time of trial and bereavement, we desire to express our sincerest appreciation. May God bless each of you. Levi A. Dunlap and Family, Mrs. Julia Moss, Mrs. Ed Johnson, Mrs. Glad Snodgrass, Mrs. C. E. Jones.