Iredell Department
Jas A TIDWELL bought of Walter SCOTT one house and lot in new Iredell for
which he paid $400
P C ANDERSON bought of HARRIS & CRABTREE two lots for $157.50
G W HARRIS bought of J E SELLERS 50 acres of land below town for which he
paid $800
G W HARRIS sold 80 acres of land lying west of town to J Q PARSONS for $600
Ben SIKES has rented OZBURN’s Barber Shop and is endeavoring to convert
himself into a tonsorial artist.
A pall of sadness was cast over the community this morning by the death of
Mrs S B FRANK. She died at 9 o’clock after a painful illness of five days.
Leaving two small children deprived of a loving mother’s tender care, and a
kind husband to mourn the loss of a pure devoted and trusing wife. She was
born June 29, 1857 and was 29 years and three months old at the time of her
death. She was married in 1883 and has proved herself to be a loving wifeand devoted mother. During her illness, which was painful in extreme, kind
friends and dear relations ministered to her faithfully.
She met death without a cloud or a fear expressing her willingness to “go”
and bade her friends and relatives goodbye and counselled her husband.
The bereaved husband and little motherless children have the heartfelt
sypmathies and sincere condolences of the entire community. The funeral
services will be conducted by the Rev. S S SCOTT.
Mr. R B GRAYSON of Navarro Co, has been visiting his sister Mrs Dr GRIFFIN
for several weeks.. He seems to have created quite a sensation among the
young ladies.
Marion HALL, the baby lawyer of Cleburne and Hamp HAWKINS of Morgan made
themselves entertaining to the CITIZEN on their recent visit to Meridian.
Roaring Brazos Embosoms Another Body
On last Thursday eve, Mr R D McVICKER of Hill Creek informed the CITIZEN ofthe particulars of the drowning of Mr. Robert WHEATLY, which occured at
HART’s Crossing on Sunday eve, week ago. Robert went off on horseback it is
supposed to call on some young ladies. He had no company. This was about
(???can’t make out time) in the evening and though Robert was well
acquainted with the river and it’s force when he rode up he rode into it. He
was seen to enter the water by several persons on each bank. In the current
of the stream some brush entangled his horse and caused horse and rider to
drift down. At considerable distance both horse and rider sank out of sight,
when the horse rose but Robert was seen no more.
The horse landed alive in the big bottom below Capt McCOWNS farm. A party
was immediately organized and made search for Robert’s body which they found
in the river adjacent to Capt. McCOWN’s field. Robert was about nineteen, a
good rider and swimmer and it astonished his acquaintances, his death by
these means.
John H WHITE the efficient deputy sheriff of Morgan was in Meridian on
Monday and admitted that he was a know nothing.
Hon J E HAWKINS of Morgan was attending county court in Meridian At the public examination of school teachers last Saturday by Prof. HARRIS &
RICHEY Miss Ellen CLARK was granted a 3rd grade, R C PARVIN a 2nd, LeRoy
ALLEN a 2nd, Eli HORN a 1st and T J BROOKS a 1st grade certificate.