SEPTEMBER 23, 1886
Mr ZAN HANNA, of Iredell, knocked, last Friday week, Mr PETE CLEMENTS on
the head with a billet of wood which broke his hand and perhaps fractured
his skull. Mr CLEMENTS was reported on Saturday in a dangerous condition but
it is hoped the skillful Drs TYE, WYSONG, MORGAN and HERBERT will be able to
save him. Mr HANNA under the charge of an aggravated assault was bound over
to county court in the sum of three hundred dollars.
Personal Mention
WHITE CHILDERS, Esq. of Kopperl says sheep in his section are in good trim.
Miss SARAH E TETRICK who came from Missouri to Texas last fall with W J
BREWER and family, left Meridian on Sunday last, to visit her father in
Edinburg, Central Illinois
W J McCAULEY one of the most succesful farmers in Bosque County visited
Meridian last week. He says the Fowler folks all praise the CITIZEN. He will
enter a two year old horse in the County fair for the premium for the
fastest two year old.
Mr J B THOMPSON of Spring Creek says the Sunday rain was the best received
in 15 months and that he had planted a stubble crop of cotton last days of
April which had not sprouted and now he expects a good crop late this year
or early next.
AN ENQUIRY: Alexander, Texas, Sept. 16, 1886
Dear Sir, I did not receive last week’s CITIZEN please let me know the cause
for the CITIZEN is read here every week with a great deal of interest.
Respectfully, A A CRANE
Greenock Department
Grass is fine and a good winter range in prospect. Col JOHN GREEN, Mr JOE
DRAHN and Mr. P FERRIS contemplate fencing together to keep stock off their
Clifton Department
Grandpa JONES is the champion fisherman
Mr JOHN CLUCK has a new artesian well drilling machine at the depot
Mr LOCKE has just put in a new press at the gin and both the town gins are
doing a good business
After a protracted illness of some 20 days Mr H HART departed this life
last Friday morning. His disease typhoid fever. He leaves a family and many
friends to mourn his loss