Valley Mills:
Miss LILLIE DOWNING is visiting friends and relatives in Waco this week.
J. R. NOWLIN left Monday for Brownwood where he goes to attend school.
RALPH LAY, member of 1st Calvary Regiment Texas Volunteers stationed at Ft. Sam Houston, San Antonio, is at home on a 30 day furlough.
Local News:
Born to P.S. HALE and wife on last Friday an eight pound baby girl. Mother
and Child are getting along nicely.
Uncle ENOCK GEORGE was seen last Tuesday passing on Main and Depot pulling with his own strength eight wagons and four road carts. Uncle ENOCK knows how to save the expense of a team.
Married – JOHNSON and POWELL, August 31st at the residence of the bride’s parents in Meridian. Mr. HENRY JOHNSON and Miss MAGGIE POWELL. Elder B. N. BROOKS officiating.