Rockdale Messenger

Death – Waco, July 11 – R. M. Conley, deputy sheriff of Bosque county was
killed Sunday night on an excursion train on the Texas Central between
and Walnut Springs. He was trying to arrest Ed Burrow of Hico who had drawn
pistol on a passenger and had presented his own revolver as he demanded
Burrow’s surrender. Burrow grabbed the officer’s gun and being a powerful
turned the muzzle of the weapon to Conley’s side. The pistol discharged, the
ball sawing through the officer’s body. He died yesterday afternoon at his
in Iredell. Burrow was held for murder. He declares Officer Conley shot
himself. Conley maintained until the last that he had not cocked his pistol
that it was fired by Burrow. The train on which the killing took place was
crowded with Woodmen of the World and their friends who had attended the
unveiling exercises in this city Sunday.