Iredell News
W. C. Myers is on the sick list this week.
Mrs. Meyers visited Mrs. D. L. Mitchell last week.
Jim Day was handshaking in our city Saturday.
Doyal & Mitchell does all kinds of repair in leather goods.
Wiliford of Woodsville, Texas is visiting his uncle Dr. Pedigo.
Misses Maude & Mayme Phillips spent last week in the country.
Doyle & Mitchell will carry a complete line of groceries and sell for cash,
Clifton Cullings
J. J. Ringness of Norse was here Tuesday
W. A. Gardner of Hurst was here a few days ago
Mark Hayes the Valley Mills barber was in Clifton on Monday
Mr. John E. Schow is preparing to have a new residence built
Rev. J. H. Johnson of Meridian was a welcome visitor in the city Thursday
and Friday
John Squires and Mr. Crawford, prosperous farmers of the Cranfills Gap
neighborhood were here on business last Saturday
Monday, there was a reunion of the family of Mr. F. M. Kell. Besides the children and grandchildren who reside in this city there were present: Dr. Smith and wife of Cisco, Mr. and Mrs. Gallahar of Walnut Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Mixon, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. The reunion of a family is certainly a great pleasure and comfort.
Rev. W. H. Fields of Norse and Mrs. Jane Roter were married at the
residence of Rev. J. M. Renfro near Valley Mills, Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. Rev. J. H. Johnson, of Meridian, officiating. The bride is the daughter of Rev. Renfro. Rev. Fields is a young minister who is well and favorably known to many of the Clifton citizens.
Morgan Melange
S. C. Mittenthal, of Dublin, was here this week Mrs. Annie Bateman will leave for St. Louis in a few days, where she will select the spring stock of millinery for the two stores of Marks Miller.
Will Hatcher has the contract for building Mrs. Frankie Gee’s residence.
George Adams and Miss Kate Wittie were married at the home of the bride
near Morgan last Saturday morning. A large number of friends assembled to
witness the ceremony, and a splendid dinner was served to the guests.
Walnut Springs Notes
Died – Feb 26th, Mrs. John Prescott of pneumonia. She was interred in the
Walnut Cemetery on the 27th at 4 p.m. Mrs. Prescott was a loving mother and a good neighbor and christian lady. THE TRIBUNE joins in sympathy with the husband and friends in their bereavement.
Rev. J. J. F. Lockhart returned home Monday from a visit to his father,
near Duffau.
Charley Neal, of Smithville, has been visiting his family at Walnut Springs
the last two weeks.
Dr. M. B. Grace formerly of Iredell has located in our city. We are glad to
have the doctor and his family with us and wish him success in his new