Walnut Springs News
J.L. Bird of Walnut transacted business here.
Frnak Horebuck’s and daughter, Miss Addie of Morgan visited here Tuesday.
County Superintendent A.D. Roach was in Austin in the interest of the Kopperl School District bonds.
R.V. Ferguson was in Mineral Wells Monday and Tuesday.
H.C. Odle, J.W. Standefer, D.J. Cutbirth, E. Muirhead, A.R. Bass, Robert Summers, Robert Earl and Levi
A. Dunlap attended the Good Roads Meeting at Lampasas.
Mrs. S.S. Lomax has returned from a visit to her daughgter, Mrs. B.Z. Williams, at Miami and Mrs. L.L.
Caldwell in Oklahoma. She was accompanied by Mrs. H .M. Lomax of Miami.
Mrs. J.C. Tittle is reported quite sick.
Mrs. Lin Hightower is suffering from an attack of appendicitis.
Mrs. C.L. McDonald of Georgetown appointed pastor of the M .E. Church.
During the month of July the Farmers Union of Bosque county will hold a two days encampment in
Meridian. Program committee: J.D. Hanna, Jim Burch, W.H. Doty.
Miss Exa Howard is visiting Waco this week.
J.T. Randle was a business visitor to Waco.
Miss Thelma George is spending a week at Glen Rose.
Fred Morris was up from Waco.
Frank Nevill was home from Godley a few days.
Edgar Head spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks.
Miss Bessie Guyton has gone to Plainview to visit her brother.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Page are visiting at Abbott, Texas.
Archie Tanner was up from Waco visiting home folks.
I have my stock of buggies into the Rea building. – E.K. Britton
Misses Alta and Luttie Bachanan, of Big Springs, are here visiting their aunt Mrs. Williford.
Mrs. L. Carter and son Bert formerly of the city but who now reside at Bakerfield, Cal., visited her
brother-in-law, N.H. Carter here last week.
Arnold Walton of Wichita, Kansas, but who lived with his aunt, Mrs. Effie Walton in this city has been in
town for a visit after six years absence.
Mrs. L.R. Whiteley went to Stamford Sunday to attend the wedding of Miss Maud Whitely to Mr.
George Stanley. The bride is a sister to our town man L.R. Whiteley.
Hugh and Carry Phillips, son and daughter of Burke Phillips who formerly resided in this city, are here
from Wichita Falls visiting their grandmother, Mrs. M.E. Phillips.
G.J. Miller of Haskell City, Texas, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. G.W. Flippin. Mr. Miller attended the
Confederate Reunion and enjoyed it very much.
Miss Grace Cox of Waco and Miss Dorothy Cox who has been a member of a house party at Albany the
past week. Mr. William Davidson and Neale Prade of Waco, are guests in the Barry home this week.
Dr. N.R. Randal is in receipt of a letter fro his daughgter, Mrs. J.T. Kelley, stating that fire had destroyed
their home and contents. They are living on their farm two miles west of Bryan but formerly resided in
Mrs. H.T. Bathemus of San Antonio is here for a visit to her cousin Mrs. Effie Walton.
Irvin DeCordova and son, Curtis, Hupfmobile went from Kimball, were here Tuesday. +
Mrs. Sam Gamble of Hico, spent the past week with her brother-in-law John Gamble and family.
J.S. Massey came in from Tipton the first of the week to be at the bedside of his father, N.A. Massey.
J.T. Dawdy is enjoying the seashore this week. The convention of City Marshals is in session in
Uncle Nat Massey Dead
It is the Hustler’s painful duty to report the death of Uncle Nat Massey one of the oldest and beloved
citizen of Walnut and Bosque county, which occurred this morning at 3:12 o’clock. Interment will be
made in Russell cemetery this afternoon, Rev. Glass conducting the service. An obituary will appear next
Miss Mabel Barnaby is visiting Mrs. Zada Foster at Anson, Texas.
W.A. Lindsey was up from Waco shaking hands with friends.
Motion pictures at the Opera House every Tuesdsay, Thursay and Saturday nights. – J.H. Underwood
Rollie Rather acting traveling auditor of the Texas Central was in the city this week checking out W.E.
Dakan and installing Hub Neill as agent here for the next 30 days. Mr. Dakan will take a vacation and
accompany his wife to Fort Worth for treatment.
I will begin a revival meeting under the tabernacle the 2nd Sunday in August, and continue ten days or two
weeks. Rev. J.W. Hearon, pastor of the Grandview station will do the preaching.
S.P. Nevill, Pastor
The friends of Tom Cook will learn with regret of the death of his mother at her home near Eulogy last
Monday. Burial took place at Morgan Monday afternoon. Mrs. Cook made her home with Tom in this
city a short time last year. The sympathy of Walnut friends will go out to him in his great loss. Mrs.
Cook had resided in this county for many years.
Mr. C.C. Lewis, Lay Leader for the Cleburne district, will speak at the Methodist Church next Sunday.
S.P. Nevill, Pastor
Independent Telephone Co.
J.W. Carmichael, Local Manager
T.S. DeArman & Son
Drugs and Jewelry
Texas State Bank
A Guaranty Fund Bank
J.A. Rushing, President
B.E. Seale, Cashier
White Crest Flour – N. Green
Caddel & Sons
Dressers’ and Rockers
W.T. Howell & Co.