Local News & Personals
Roy L Sherill was in Valley Mills Sunday looking after his interests(?)
C. W. Tidwell and family visited in Iredell the first of the week.
Earl White left today for Amarillo where he will spend several days on business.
T O Goains of Arkansas and Miss Eva Chaffin of near Meridian, were married in this city on last Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock, Squire A. J. Childress officiating.
July 4, 1913
Charles C Porter assumed charge as postmaster of the Meridian office today.
Merrell Turner left last week for Memphis where he will visit relatives for several weeks.
A. H. Murchison of Eulogy was transacting business here Wednesday.
W. C. Barnett and wife left Tuesday for Eastern Texas, where they will spend a few months with their daughters Mesdames Stringfellow and Noel.
Lewis H King, the land man has returned from a business trip to western Texas.
July 18, 1913
Miss Fannie Price of Antlers Oklahoma is visiting her sister Mrs. A D Roach.
Fred Owens and sister of near Iredell spent Saturday in the city guests of W. H. Simpson and family.
Hodges Hughes was in Galveston the first of the week.
Mr and Mrs T H Minor returned Wednesday from a visit to relatives in Ft Worth.
Miss Willie Cowan has returned from an extended visit to Ft. Worth.
Pope Odle visited in Walnut Springs Monday.
Roy Sherill of Meridian and Antone Peterson of Clifton are somnambulists. In their wanderings they range out of their territory and call on fair maidens here in Valley Mills. If the boys here would be more sociable and do their duty there would be no necessity for such a state of affairs.