10 JAN 1919, Clifton Area: George Pool, born 16 OCT 1880, died 03 JAN
1919, of influenza-pneumonia. Burial was in Scrutchfiel Cemetery, Mon.
Jan. 6. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. James F. Hardie, pastor
of the Presbyterian Church of Taylor, assisted by Rev. Ernest Sansom,
pastor of the Presbyterian Church here. George was the oldest living son
of Mr. & Mrs. Tom M. Pool, well known prominent citizens of our community.
George is survived by hiw wife & 8 children; 2 brothers: W.C. Pool of Clifton,
and Major Herbert M. Pool stationed in Columbus, GA (US Army); 3 sisters,
Mrs. Iva Torrence and Miss Mayde Pool of this community, & Mrs. Tessie
Nabors of Oklahoma. George died in the home where he was born,
homestead of Tom M. Pool. This is also where he settled when he married
& which property has been in the Pool family more than 60 years.