(later became the Meridian Tribune)
Published Walnut Springs and Meridian, Texas
December 25, 1896
Iredell News
Mrs. CRUSE and family visited here Sunday.
Mr. EVANS of Hico visited here Sunday.
Mr and Mrs J C LANE visited the capital city this week.
Miss MAGGIE MITCHELL is visiting her sister Mrs. WILL CONLEY in the country this week.
JOHN RANDEL and his sister LUCY visited in Hico Monday.
LANE and MYERS, Iredell Texas, carry a full line of farm implements.
BILL HENDERSON has bought the MASSEY blacksmith shop where he will hammer iron in the future.
Morgan News
WILL RUTHERFORD has accepted a position with the Santa Fe at Ardmore.
ED RICE returned from Ardmore Monday and will leave in a few days for his home in Alabama.
JOHN HUNTER, aged 74 years, died at his home in this city Wednesday
morning. Mr. HUNTER was a Tennessean but Texas had been his home for a
number of years and he resided in Morgan during the past year. His remains
were laid to rest in the city cemetery last Thursday.
Clifton News
OSCAR J REA took a business trip to Meridian last Monday.
Married near Cranfills Gap, Tuesday, Mr. LUNDBERG to Miss IDA JERMSTAD.
CHARLES P GRAFTON and son DOUGLAS left last Thursday evening for Denton, where they will reside in the future.
Around the county
J W GLENN, general merchant at Bluffdale, Erath County, recently filed a deed of trust with A J GLENN as trustee.
Walnut Springs News
J T NICHOLS has moved to our city.
TOM DAY of Iredell was in the city Monday.
Carry that old watch and have JAMES DAY fix it for you.
J L WHITE and wife came home from Hill County Monday.
Dr. R A MILLER of Peoria visited his son J P MILLER Monday.
JOHN EASTERLING and lady are visiting Mrs. EASTERLING’s father E J ROE.
Born December 18 to Mr. and Mrs. J A PEARCE a fine boy, mother and boy doing fine.
A serious shooting occured here early Monday morning. In which J L
ANDERSON shot Dr. J P MILLER twice and cut him twice with a knife.
Particulars unknown. At last accounts the wounded man was resting easy.
Meridian News
Married at the residence of Mr. JOHN E RAHL, this city, on Monday evening, December 21, 1896, Mr. JOSEPH KANNERER and Miss MARY