March 6, 2002

Tracing Your Bosque County Roots
By:  LaDawn Garland
06 March 2002

First off I have to let everyone know that the Bosque County TxGenWeb site
was voted County Of The Year. This website located at  is maintained beautifully by Bettie Wood
and the information there is provided by many, many wonderful volunteers
researching their Bosque County families.The award is quite an honor and
well deserved. It is an amazing site and there is a huge amount of Bosque
County information to search through. If you haven’t ever visited it, take a
look you just might find information on your families there.

I would like to thank everyone who asked about the column and it’s absence.
I really appreciate your patience, and now I’m asking you again to send in
your family stories, queries, reunion information or anything you want to
share about your Bosque County families. This column is printed in the
Bosque County News and on the web as well, so you might just make some
family connections researching your same families.

I attended the Bosque County Historical Preservation Luncheon on Saturday,
this year’s preservation awards were presented to The Old Gap Bank building,
Bob Viertel, The Star Cafe, Jeff and Debra Nelson, the Rohne House,
Geraldine Edson, and the Lay-Strosser House, Billy & Joe Lay and Mary
Kruega. The old photos of the buildings and homes were wonderful and to see
them restored today is so exciting. Here’s hoping that many more local
individuals will decide to restore their historic buildings to their
original design.

Old News From Around Bosque County
The Meridian Tribune
June 22, 1900

Fowler Items
Tom Estes has been quite sick for the past week.
Mr. Grant was bitten by a copperhead Friday, he is getting along nicely.
Mr. Holt of Ft. Graham was here Saturday.
Don’t forget the picnic on the 29th. Everybody is invited to come, Hons.
Jas. M. Robertson, H.C. Cooke and Richard Kimball are expected to be the
speakers of the day.

Local News & Personals
Miss Willie Turner is visiting McGregor this week.
Claud Downing of Valley Mills visited in the city Sunday.
John Dyer of Kansas City is in the city this week on business.
W.F. Schenck is visiting Walnut and Iredell this week.
Fred Myers returned Monday from a week visit to his parents at Iredell.
Miss Lin Davis of Lockhart visited the family of H.C. Cooke this week.
Mrs. Black of Hico is in the city attending the bedside of her mother, Mrs.
Kinney who is quite sick.
A patent was granted this week to R.W. Turner of Walnut Springs on the
invention of a bake oven.
Mrs. W.M. Hill is visiting friends and relatives in the Hog Creek community
this week.
Rev. C. B. Meador and wife are attending the Epworth League Convention which
meets at Galveston this week.
Mack Cox, the 12 year old son of G.S. Cox while perambulating in his sleep
last Saturday night fell down the stairway, and was badly hurt. His hip was
considerably bruised so much so that he has to use crutches.
N. J. Wade has returned from a weeks trip to Comanche where he has been
attending court.

Walnut Springs
Mrs. P.H. Whallen visited here Tuesday.
Bud Mayfield was in town Monday evening.
Mrs. J. A. Rushing is visiting Abilene this week.
F.H. Dehn was visiting his family at this place.
W.B. Warren has been on the sick list this week.
Mr. Crow tells us there will not be room enough on his land to stack the hay
being harvested off it.
The erection of the tabernacle has commenced and will be completed by July

My Renfro relatives, helped settle Bosque County. There is supposed to be a
picture of my ggrandfather Sylvester Renfro in a court house somewhere in
Bosque County. We have made several trips to the area to try and locate the
picture. The name you mentioned an the article you had posted, Mrs. Frank
Kell—they were the neighbors to my Renfro’s. I would be thrilled to
receive the newspaper column you mentioned,
Jean Renfro Copeland

I have been trying to locate my g-g grandmother. Her name was Lenis Angelina
(Angie) Honeycutt b. 17 Feb 1858 in AR….d. 15 Dec 1929…..m. Jefferson
Davis Goyne 1875 in Lamar Co., TX. This family is listed on the 1880 Bosque
Co. Census and all their children were born in Bosque. There is a Mrs J.D.
Goyne buried in Fairy Cemetery in Hamilton Co. The lady at the Hamilton Co.
GEN Society told me she was probably buried there because the family lived
closer to this cem than one in Iredell. I have checked with Bosque and
Hamilton Co. and they do not have a record of death. I have also checked the
surrounding counties and find nothing. On the 1880 census her mother listed
as Mrs. M.E. Wall was living with them. Evidently she remarried after Mr.
Honeycutt died. I cannot find death record on Mrs. M.E. Wall either. I will
appreciate any help you may be able to provide on my grandmother.
Sherry Stringer

I am looking for any information about my grandfather Robert Kirk Williams,
of Meridian, born approximately1903 and my grandmother Hazle Tidwell
Williams, of
Iredell, born approximately 1907. Any information would be appreciated
R Kirk Williams

Good luck to all who submitted queries. If you would like to submit a query,
family story or reunion information on your Bosque County family, please
email me at, or mail it to Bosque County News, P.O. Box
343, Meridian, Tx 76665 or fax it to 254-435-6335. Wishing everyone good
luck in their research.