Hamilton Wade Worrell

Submitted by:  Rose Denson

CLOVIS News Journal
Volume 31 No . 15S Monday, October 3, 1949 Front page
H . W . Worrell Dies In Hospital, Rites Will Be Tuesday PM
Hamilton  W. Worrell, 57, a farmer and cattleman in Curry County for the past17 years, died at 6 :15
am. Monday in a Clovis hospital . Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p .m . Tuesday in the Charles V . Steed Memorial Chapel, conducted by the Rev. Seth Hughes assisted by the Rev . Buren Stewart, both of Ranchvale . Burial will be in the Mission Garden of Memories under direction of Steed Funeral Home.
Worrell, survived by his wife Amanda, a son, Raymond, Clovis, two daughters Mrs. Clan Bailey, Clovis and Mrs . W. A . Reid, Crier, his mother, Mrs. Betty Worrell, Hico, Tex ., a brother, W . B . Worrell, Waco, Tex ., two sisters, Mrs. J.H. Parnhill, Cleburne,Tex.,and Mrs. Nettie Howarcl, HicoTex ., and seven grandchildren.  Pallbearers for the services will be Joe, Jim and John Reid, Richard Pain, Dan Griggs and G . A. Grossett .  Honorary pallbearers named are Vaudie Pierce, Claude Gilliam, Ramey O’Rear, Spec Krattiger, Ralph Barrows and J . D. Casey .
Researchers notes: Hamilton Wade Worrell was reared in Bosque County. His parents were Stephen Wade Worrell and Sarah Elizabrth ” Bettie” TEMPLE Worrell.