Felix Golden

Submitted:  Sue Bearden


After being confined to his room practically all the time for the past five months, Felix G. golden died at his home in Valley
Mills last Thursday afternoon at 3:15 o’clock, surrounded by his entire family, consisting of his wife and six boys, besides
many other relatives and friends.

  Mr. golden was born in Calhoun County, Alabama, on November 8th, 1841, and moved from that state to Tennessee, later
in life where he resided until he moved to Texas, locating near Peoria, Hill county, where he resided with his family until moving
to Bosque county on December 4th, 1904, purchasing the Reeder ranch at Hurst Springs, moving from there to the Fitzhugh
ranch east of Clifton and later sold out and went to Plainview, Hale county in 1914, when he traded his property there to Joe
M. Sears for the Albert Sears property there going back to Valley Mills, and took charge of this property in October, 1915, at
which place he died as above stated.

  He was quite active until a few months ago before he was taken ill and was never able to ?? affairs to any great extent.  His
sons were ever faithful and together with his wife, who is blind, saw to it that nothing was left undone to alleviate his pain and
to say that every attention was given.

  Mr. Golden was a Confederate veteran having spent the entire four years of the Civil War when he received two wounds,
one in each arm, the one in the right making him a cripple for life, but despite his wound, he was able to, or did do, the work
seldom done by any able bodied man.

  He was married in Alabama, to Miss Amanda Boyd and to the union were both nine children, eight boys and one girl.  Two
boys and the daughter died many years ago, but their six boys, Taylor, who resides in Floyd county, bob living at Clifton, Reuben, Walter, John and Sam, reside in Valley Mills.  The six boys acting as pall bearers at his funeral.