F G Golden

Submitted by:  Sue Bearden


Grandma F. G. Golden, born May 30, 1848 in the state of Alabama, died Sunday, July 6, 1930, at the home of her son,
John Golden, in the Hurst Springs community in Coryell county, after an illness of some days, but directly from a stroke
of paralysis that she was taken with only a few days prior to her death.  She had been in failing health many years, and
for the past thirteen years was totally blind.
Deceased was married to F. G. Golden at the age of sixteen years, and to this union thirteen children were born; only six
sons are living to mourn the death of this dear old mother who meant so much to them, seven of the children and the
husband and father passing to their reward some years ago.  She had been a member of the Church of Christ since she was
sixteen years of age, and Eld. Nance of Hillsboro conducted the religious services both at the home of her son, John Golden,
at 10:30 and at the grave, Monday morning, July 7.
Many years of her life were spent in Bosque, Hill and adjoining counties.  she was truly a pioneer citizen of this section.
Besides the six living sons, there are 43 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren left to mourn her passing.  The sons are:
R. L. Golden, Valley Mills; Taylor Golden, Plainview; R. A. Golden, Clifton; Walter A. Golden, Meridian; Sam R. Golden,
Tulia, and John Golden, Hurst Springs.