Professor J. M. BETTIS left Monday morning for Morgan where he accepted a postion as teacher in the public school of that place.
On last Tuesday, J. M. COSPER who lives on Spring Creed killed a wild cat measuring 18 inches in height and 3 feet in length. That makes 8 cats he has killed recently.
Mr. FRANK LEE and family of Vancouver B.C. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. BROOKS. Mr & Mrs LEE were formerly residents of Bosque County and are
welcomed by a host of friends.
Born to Mr. & Mrs. GEORGE SCRUTCHFIELD Thursday afternoon, January 2, a
baby girl. Mr. SCRUTCHFIELD reports this the first of that name born in Clifton
for 47 years.
Miss FARY MAE RUSHING of Walnut Springs was the guest of Miss EVA LOMAX.
Mrs WILL HANNA and children have returned from a visit to relatives at Hico.
Cards were received here this week announcing the marriage of Mr. JOHN A.
MINGUS and Miss ETHEL HOVEY of Anadarko Okla. on last Monday. Mr. MINGUS
formerly lived at this place.
Mrs. J. A. McFADDEN who has been visiting relatives at Port Arthur returned home Saturday. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. W. B. ODLE.
The person who took the receiver from the telephone at the residence of E. B. GEORGE will confer a favor on him by returning same.
Mrs. SALLIE CROUT died of heart failure Tuesday morning, January 7, 1908 at the home of her daughter Mrs. D. J. CUTBIRTH in this city. Her remains were taken to Valley Mills Wednesday accompanied by a number of sorrowing friends. The deceased was born in Alabama, Oct. 19, 1854. When quite young she came to Texas with her parents and located at Cameron where she was married to Mr. CALVIN CROUT who died six years later.
In 1864 Mrs. CROUT and 2 children, SAM CROUT of Norman Okla and Mrs. D. J.
CUTBIRTH of this city, moved to Bosque County locating at Valley Mills, where she lived until a few years ago when she came to Meridian.
Meridian Tribune, Jan 17, 1908
Bosque County Vital Statistics: Births
J. SEDRICK and wife, Norse, Dec. 23 a boy
JASPER FIELDS and wife, Norse, Dec. 19 a girl
CLAUDE ADAMS and wife, Cranfills Gap, Jan 7 a girl
DILLARD CLARK and wife, near Meridian, Jan 1 a boy
Mr. COFFMAN and wife, near Meridian, Dec. 24 a boy
W. A. JOHNSON and wife, Meridian, Dec. 20 a girl
HENRY RICHARDSA and wife, Cayote, Oct 15, a girl
WALTER McELHANNON and wife, Cayote, Dec. 30 a boy
R. ENDER and wife, 6 mi. S. of Clifton, Jan 2, a boy
TOM GAINS and wife, near Iredell, Jan 11 a boy
JIM BLUE and wife, near Iredell, Jan 13 a girl
DAN O’NEAL and wife, near Iredell, Dec 27 a girl