Wheatly Newton

Husband’s Name:  Wheatly NEWTON
        Born: WFT Est. 1849-1869     Place:
        Married:                                   Place:
        Died: WFT Est. 1889-1988     Place:
        Buried:                                     Place:
        Father: D.C. NEWTON
        Mother: M. J. NEWTON(?)
        Other Spouses:
Wife’s Name:  Ella Melissa LAMBERT
        Born: 14 MAY 1866             Place:  Melrose, TX
        Died: WFT Est.1884-1960   Place:  DALLAS, TX
        Buried:                                   Place:
        Father: Hamilton LAMBERT
        Mother: Caroline Jane MUCKLEROY
        Other Spouses: Jake SHANNON
1. Name: Vera NEWTON
        Born: 20 SEP 1897                              Place:
        Married:                                               Place:
        Died: 27 MAR 1979                         Place: Tarrant Co, TX
        Buried: Blubonnet Hills Cemetery     Place:
        Spouse(s):  Hugh Ellis BUCKINGHAM,Sr.  Born/Died:
                          George J. WELSH
2. Name: Ima NEWTON
        Born:                                   Place:
        Married:                              Place:
        Died:                                   Place:
        Buried:                                Place:
        Spouse(s):                           Born/Died:
3. Name: Gillette NEWTON
        Born:                                   Place:
        Married:                              Place:
        Died:                                   Place:
        Buried:                                Place:
        Spouse(s):  Jewell ?           Born/Died:
4. Name: Weston NEWTON
        Born:                                   Place:
        Married:                              Place:
        Died:                                   Place:
        Buried:                                Place:
        Spouse(s):                           Born/Died:
5. Name: Nina NEWTON
        Born:                                   Place:
        Married:                              Place:
        Died:                                   Place:
        Buried:                                Place:
        Spouse(s):                           Born/Died:
Some of the information came from WFT Cd 14 tree#1792 and some
came from family sources